Out of stock
Tuesdays, 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM
April 8 to June 10, 2025
Ten Weeks
No clay classes the week of June 2nd
*Stair Access Only
Ready to take your creations to the next level?
In this class, students work to refine their skills in the fundamentals of clay; pinch, slab, coil, and basic wheel throwing. They will also explore surface decoration, glazing, firing. Demonstrations will combine a variety ways to incorporate these methods of making into finished pieces.
After refining the basics, you’ll be free to follow along with the projects or develop what you find the most compelling.
Tolu Toludare 🔗 will provide individual guidance as well as impromptu demonstrations and discussion of ideas. Class time is divided between hand building and wheel throwing.
To participate in this class students must have a functional understanding of the fundamentals of clay. This usually requires a minimum of 1-2 years of working with clay, and up to several years of study. Instructors will not teach the fundamentals in this class as they would with beginners and students will need to be able to work independently at times, including on the wheel.
Note: This class is held in our basement studio with stair access only.
Out of stock
Suggested Material List:
Materials can be purchased locally at The Sounding Stone.
Note: Your instructor will review our firing volume limits during your first class and help students visualize their volume limit for the ten-week session.
Due to a scheduled firing week, there will be no clay classes the week of June 2nd
Forum Art Centre is a proud member of the Manitoba Artist Run Centres Coalition
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We acknowledge that we gather on ancestral lands, on Treaty One Territory. These lands are the heartland of the Métis people. We acknowledge that our water is sourced from Shoal Lake 40 First Nation. Forum Art Centre is committed to moving forward in a spirit of gratitude and reconciliation.
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